tagged1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.
Aiya....kena tagged by eling..
Name : Tang Chian Huey
Sisters : 1
Brothers : 2
Shoe size : 5 or 6
Height : 158cm
Where do you live :sr damansara
Favourite drinks : soya
Favourite breakfast : egg
Have you ever been on a plane : yes
Swam in the ocean : ocean? no...dunno how to swin also...hehe
Fallen asleep in school: yeah...always
Broken someones heart : mom n dad , sum1
Fell off your chair : yes
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yes
Saved e-mails : never save mail
What is your room like : bedroom
What's right beside you : a piano chair n piano
What is the last thing you ate : mcflurry
Ever had chicken pox : no!
Sore throat : always
Stitches : on cloth
Broken nose : no
Do you believe in love at first sight : half
Like picnics : on concrete floor
Who was the last person you danced with : dance?no...
Last made you smile : movie
You last yelled at : my bro
Talk to someone you like : i only talk to ppl i like:
DKissed anyone : no, havent hav bf
Get sick : of course la....human ma...
Talked to an ex : no ex
Miss someone : yes
Do you sleep with stuffed animals : many .....ultraman?
What's under your bed : another mattress
Who do you really hate :smokers
What time is it now : 1136
Q : Is there a person who is on your mind right now : yes
Q : Do you have any siblings : ya
Q : Do you want children : depends
Q : Do you smile often : no
Q : Do you like your hand-writing : not so....
Q : Are your toenails painted : no never try
Q : Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my parent's bed
Q : What colour shirt are you wearing :white
Q : What were you doing at 7:00pm yesterday :working
Q : I can't wait to : running out of this world
Q : When did you cry last : just now
Q : Are you a friendly person: i think no..
Q : Do you have any pets : ultraman?
Q : Where is the person you have feelings for right now : no...
Q : Did the last person you held hands with you mean anything to you now? no...
Q : Do you sleep with the TV on? : ya
Q : What are you doing right now? : blogging tagged by eling lo....
Q : Have you ever crawled through a window?yes!
Q : Can you handle the truth? it depends wat is de truth
Q : Are you closer to your mother or father? both also no....
Q : Who was the last person you cried in front of? cry alone
Q : How many people can you say you've really loved? dunno
Q : Do you eat healthy? i think no....
Q : Do you still have pictures of you & your ex? : no ex
Q : Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? : yes! me so easy to cry de...
Q: How often do you go to church? :no, i m buddhist la....
Q : If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?
www.blogger.comQ : Are you loud or quiet most of the time? :depends...if work quite
Q : Are you confident? no ...
THINGS YOU DID 10 YEARS AGO.(10 years old )
1. studying in desa jaya
2. start learn badminton
3.play with friend
4. tuition
5. sleep
1. chocs!!
2. mcflurry
3. cookies
4. chips
5. snack lo
1. qi yuan?
2. klang
3. sri damansara
4. desa jaya
5. kepong
1. A student
2. A daughter
3. A sister
4. A reporter
5. A friend
yuan shan
leslie khor
wai kit